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EBF Gives Thanks for The Life of Bob Morris

On August 2nd, hundreds of people packed into Cirencester Baptist Church (United Kingdom) to remember and give thanks for our friend Bob Morris, a hugely gifted and talented youth minister at Cirencester Baptist Church in the UK and the Chair of the EBF Youth and Children’s Committee.

The EBF was represented by Jenni and John Entrican, Alison and Tony Peck, Samantha Mail (Germany) and Roald Zeiffert (Norway), with Roald, along with many others there, dressing appropriately to remember Bob, who may have been the first to address the EBF Council wearing shorts :).

Bob passed away suddenly on Saturday morning, 13 July, aged 50. He was taken ill at the EBF Council last September and soon after was diagnosed with a brain tumour. He faced this situation and the surgery and treatment that followed with a positive spirit and an unshakeable trust in his Lord.

At the thanksgiving service there were songs and prayers, tears and (much) laughter. But above all there were shared memories of Bob as a devoted disciple of Jesus Christ, a friend and mentor to so many young people as they began their Christian lives, and an inspiration to many youth and children’s leaders in the EBF.

The last verse of the final song the gathered people sang together summed up Bob’s faith on this sad but thankful day.

High King of heaven, Thou heaven's bright Sun,

O grant me its joys, after vict'ry is won;

Great Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,

Still be Thou my vision, O Ruler of all.

Please pray for Bob’s wife Hilary and their children Ben, Joe, Bethia and Jack. And for the very many young people, and EBF youth leaders who will continue their journeys here.


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