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Peace Candle 2

Together with the Baptist Union of Great Britain and their friends and colleagues in the Methodist Church of Great Britain, we would like to commend to you an idea to inspire reflection and prayer concerning the ongoing conflict in Israel and the Palestinian Territories this advent. #peacecandle2

In solidarity with churches in the Holy Land, and all who are suffering there because of the recent conflict, we would like to invite Baptist congregations this advent to consider not lighting the second candle and pray for a lasting peace.

Christian sisters and brothers in Bethlehem tell us that this advent and Christmas, the lights in Bethlehem that normally adorn the birthplace of Jesus will remain unlit in memory of those who have died in the current conflict.

The traditional Christmas celebrations in the Holy Land will be somewhat subdued this year.

Traditionally, the second candle on the advent wreath represents peace, and in some traditions is known as the ‘Bethlehem candle’.

This advent, we at EBF with the blessing of our Baptist churches in Israel and the Palestinian Territories to do something ‘out of the ordinary’ and consider not lighting the advent candle on the second Sunday (10 December) and leaving it unlit on subsequent Sundays.

On the Sunday in advent when we focus our attention on the coming Prince of Peace, it seems appropriate that we take this opportunity to think about the Holy Land, all those who have been killed in recent days and all those seeking comfort as they mourn; praying for a lasting peace.

This unlit candle mimics the unlit lights of Bethlehem and serves as a constant reminder that we stand in solidarity with all who are suffering in the Holy Land.

We do this knowing the central fifth candle, will soon be lit, giving us hope that Christ’s light eternally shines in the darkness.

Alongside any words you might already have in mind for the lighting of the candles, we suggest including a short addition, given below, to underline why this ‘peace’ candle will remain unlit.

On Christmas Day (or soon after) we invite you to take a photo of your advent wreath with the second candle unlit and upload them here. As you are uploading the file, you will be asked for a name, please put the name of your church and country.

We will ensure your pictures are forwarded to Baptist church communities in the Holy Land so our sisters and brothers in Christ can see they are never far from our thoughts and prayers over the Christmas season. You may also consider posting this image on your own social media feeds to show the world that together we pray for peace. #peacecandle2

Additional words for the Second Sunday in advent

As we prepare to celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace, we understand that the festive lights that normally shine bright in Bethlehem will not be lit this year in memory of those who have died in the recent conflict.

To stand alongside our sisters and brothers in Christ, and all who mourn this Christmas, we will leave our second advent candle unlit during advent and Christmas.

We look forward, with anticipation, to the coming of Christ whose eternal light shines in the darkness.

Possible additional words for remaining advent services

We remind ourselves that, this year, one candle remains unlit, as the Christmas lights in Bethlehem also remain unlit, in memory of those killed in the current conflict in the Holy Land.

We look forward, with anticipation, to the coming of Christ whose eternal light shines in the darkness.

With thanks to Baptist Union of Great Britain and the Methodist Church of Great Britain.


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