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Prayer Calendar | Bulgaria

1 April - 7 April 2024

  • Pray for twenty new students at our Baptist Theological school which has started its next educational cycle with courses on Spiritual Growth and New Testament. Their groups meet in the towns of Sofia and Varna four times a year for weeklong intensive training. New courses are planned elsewhere in the country.

  • Pray for seven church pastors who were recently ordained in ministry during the months of December (2023) and January (2024), in the towns of Lom, Sandanski and Hadjidimovo.Two others are waiting in line as dates are being planned.

  • Pray for our Baptist youth who are planning a busy year of Bible weekends, mutual visits, mission trips, and summer camps for children, teenagers and young adults. In September, the Baptist Youth Organization will have its national election conference. Pray for strong unity, fresh vision and deep roots in Scripture.

  • Pray for the Bulgarian Baptist Union as it recently entered a new four-year cycle of leadership. We believe that this is a season for focusing on church planting, evangelism and strong discipleship.

  • Pray for local Baptist churches around Bulgaria as they are setting up various initiatives for deacons’ training, discipleship courses, youth initiatives, equipping small group leaders, concert initiatives, outreach days, ministry among Ukrainian refugees, soup kitchens and other evangelism and humanitarian plans.


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