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Prayer Calendar | Italy / Malta

2 August - 08 August 2024

  • Pray for the Evangelical Baptist Church of Malta and the Christian Evangelical Baptist Union of Italy.


  • We would greatly appreciate your prayers for our upcoming UCEBI General Assembly, which will take place from September 19th to 22nd.

  • Please pray for God’s blessing on the new Executive Committee and its President, that they may be filled with wisdom and guidance in leading our union. 

  • Additionally, we ask for prayers that God may stir new vocations within our community, raising up leaders and servants to further His work.


  • Pray for current servant leaders in the Body of Christ in Malta. Pray that they will follow Jesus wholeheartedly and live as Jesus did. 

  • The nation of Malta is a member of the European Union, but it has been in a crisis in many areas. Pray for strong, bold Christian leaders to stand up to increasing pressures to introduce abortion as it is still currently illegal. Pray that the people of Malta will truly seek the Lord and desire to please the Spirit instead of the flesh.  

  • Pray for the next generation of students in Student Ministries. Pray for the small existing University Bible Group as well as new workers from abroad who are planning to come and focus on this area in the next year. Pray too for entries into ministry with students at MCAST (a trade school) and other schools and language schools. Ask that “a great door for effective ministry” will open to them. 


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