6 December - 12 December 2021

Baptist Union of Romania
Pray for the Baptist Union of Romania and for all the 1,722 churches in its country.
Pray for the leaders of the churches and the leadership: Presidents (Viorel Iuga) and General Secretaries (Ioan Ardelean).
Convention of the Hungarian Baptist Churches of Romania
Thankful for a new wonderful chapel for the Hungarian Baptist Church in Timișoara.
Thankful for many children who participated in the Bible Olympics organised for Hungarian Baptist Children in Romania.
Thankful for ordaining three new Hungarian Baptist pastors in 2021 in the Convention in Romania.
Pray for effective evangelism, new converts and growth in the church.
Pray for children and families of pastors who lost both the pastor and spouse died due to COVID-19.
Pray for new students in the seminary with a call to the pastoral ministry.
Pray for two Hungarian Baptist Camps in Romania to continue their programmes with children, young people, and other adults (couples, pastors, ladies, disabled, etc.)