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Prayer Calendar | Romania

5 December - 11 December 2022

Baptist Union of Romania

🙏🏼 Pray for the Baptist Union of Romania and its 1 722 member churches.

🙏🏼 Pray for the churches and leaders of the union — Viorel Iuga (President) and Ioan Ardelean (General Secretary).

🙏🏼 Pray for the country of Romania and for its people.

Convention of the Hungarian Baptist Churches of Romania

🙏🏼 The Convention of Hungarian Baptist Churches of Romania will hold its elective congress on 1 April 2023, in Crasna, Romania. Please pray for this important event so that God’s will may be done in choosing a new leadership team.

🙏🏼 The Hungarian Baptist Women Department of Romania organises several conferences for women and publishes regularly its own magazine, called “Esther”. Please pray for the labor of the sisters in the churches so that their ministry may be fruitful and edifying in the churches across the Convention.

🙏🏼 The Convention of Hungarian Baptist Churches of Romania engages in Roma mission across Transylvania, especially in the North-West of the country. Please pray for true conversions among the Gypsies so that the churches to be planted may consist of true Roma believers who follow Jesus faithfully.

🙏🏼 The Hungarian Baptist Youth Department of Romania organises conferences, youth camps, concerts, and training for youth leadership. Please pray that their zeal may be mixed with wisdom. Please pray that many young people may turn to God in repentance by believing in Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord.

🙏🏼 The Hungarian Baptist Sunday School Department of Romania is organising Bible Olympics annually — two books from the Bible are to be studied by the children of every Hungarian Baptist Church. Please pray that the dedication and meticulous study of the Bible by these children may bring about much spiritual fruit in the future.

🙏🏼 Please pray for the new church planting work in the town of Carei, where Elemér Oláh started his work to plant a Hungarian Baptist Church.



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