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Prayer Calendar | Slovakia

Writer: Prayer CalendarPrayer Calendar

09 - 15 December 2024

  • Political situation in Slovakia and beyond

In 2023 parliamentary elections took place and a new government was formed. The Prime Minister, Robert Fico, won the elections for the 4th time, even though his 3rd time in this position ended in early elections. His close connections to many questionable people in Slovak politics are just one of the issues. What worries many people even more is his affinity to Russia. With Ukraine being our neighbour, any pro-Russian rhetoric is causing some fear. Especially young-ish people don't consider staying in Slovakia as good for them and their families.

Please pray that the Lord ends the war in Ukraine and that young Christians in Slovakia trust Him with their future even though the politics may make them feel desperate.

  • New leadership of Slovak Baptist Union

With the second term of this leadership (president Benjamin Uhrin and vice-president Zoltan Kakas) in its second half, we are preparing for elections and looking for suitable candidates.

Please pray that the Lord speaks to the people He wants to lead our churches and that they hear his calling clearly.

  • Church planting

Thanks to the Lord, the Slovak Baptist Union has been growing in the past few years. And not only in the number of members, but also in the number of churches. We see church planting as the best way to bring the gospel to the people who don't know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Two of our church plants are on the verge of becoming new churches, Connect in Bratislava and Kostol Nahrane in Revuca.

Please pray that the Lord guides the leaders of these communities (Tomas Valchar and Richard Nagypal) so that they may make the best decisions when forming new leaderships of those new churches.

  • Dobrodina

A few years ago, starting with an idea and a little courage, we started dreaming about using a plot of land in Bernolakovo and transforming it into a home for elderly people. We invited some people, talked about it, prayed, and started drawing some ideas. In a short time, this humble idea developed into a complex with two separate homes for 40 elderly people each, 28 community housing apartments, a building with medical care, a pharmacy and even a kindergarten. It is a huge project for our small union! But, God willing, we'll start laying the foundations in 2025.

Please pray that we find generous investors and donors who share our heart for serving those who need it the most and being the Light and the Salt among our communities.


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