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Theology & Education

Free Church DNA: Priesthood of All Believers Decoded

October 31 - November 2, 2024, Tallinn, Estonia

All recordings of the presentations are visible on our YouTube.

  • Panel session: "How to Understand Priesthood After All?" Interview with three "older brothers" – Catholic, Orthodox, and Lutheran view of priesthood - Philippe Jourdan, Marko Tiitus, and Tauri Tölpt, led by Meego Remmel.

  • Plenary session: "Priesthood of all Believers with its Christological and Pneumatological Roots and Ecclesiological Practices"Teun van der Leer (The Netherlands).

  • Plenary session: Christ' Priesthood and Ours - Stephen Holmes (UK)

  • Plenary session: Priesthood of All Believers - An Estonian Perspective - Toivo Pilli (EST)

  • Plenary session: Priesthood of All Believers: Rethinking Local Church Through a Covenant Language - Olexandr Geychenko (UKR)

  • Track Seminar: Centering Prayer as a Helpful Corrective to the Individualism Often Associated with the Priesthood of All Believers - Nick DiMauro (USA)

  • Plenary Session: "In All Centers: Discipleship in the Workplace Arena" - Gabriel Stephen (Norway)

  • Plenary Session: "From Garden to Glory: The Priesthood of All Believers in God's Cosmic Plan" - Helle Liht (EST)

Truth, Love and Unity: Challenges of Russian-Ukrainian War to European Baptists

October 19-21, 2023, Warsaw, Poland

All recordings of the presentations are visible on our YouTube.

Texts of Presentations

Theology and COVID-19: Backgrounds and Reactions to Conspiracy Narratives

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 24 September 2021 — Prof. Dr Michael Rohde

Consultation: Political Tensions of Today and the Church: Exploring Baptist Engagement in Europe

Elstal, Germany, 20-22 November 2019

Consultation on Homosexuality

Smidstrup Strand, Denmark, 16-18 November 2016

Resources from different Unions used at the consultation and for use within unions and churches who want to have a conversation around this topic:

Consultation on Freedom of Religion or Belief

27-28 September 2015

Video material

Texts of Presentations

Symposium "Baptist Churches and Changing Society: Middle East Experience"

14-17 June 2012

Symposium "Baptist Churches and Changing Society: West European Experience"

12-13 August 2011

Symposium "Baptist Churches and Changing Society: Eastern-European Experience"

30 Sep - 2 Oct 2010

Communities of Conviction: Baptist Beginnings in Europe by Ian M. Randall

European Baptist Federation, 2009

Published by Neufeld Verlag

ISBN: 978-3-937896-78-6


Price €15

Shipping cost for 1-3 books €5

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Ian Randall, who comes from the north of Scotland, studied Economics and History at Aberdeen University, where he met and married Janice, who is a language teacher. After university, Ian worked in human resource management. He later trained at Regent's Park College, Oxford, and became a Baptist pastor. Since 1992 he has taught and has supervised research at Spurgeon’s College, London, and at the International Baptist Theological Seminary, Prague. He has published several books, including What a Friend we have in Jesus, The English Baptists of the Twentieth Century and Spiritual Revolution: The Story of OM. He is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.


Ian Randall has given us the most comprehensive overview of Baptist life in Europe since the classic study of J. H. Rusbrooke in 1923. Born amidst persecutions and struggle, the Baptist movement has grown over the centuries into a diverse but vibrant expression of the Christian faith. A story masterfully told by a superb historian.

Timothy George Founding Dean of Beeson Divinity School of Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama (USA) and a senior editor of Christianity Today


This fascinating volume is more than a compilation of the stories of the regional beginnings of the one European Baptist family; it is a testimony of the enduring grace and goodness of God to a missionary people called Baptist.

David Coffey President of the Baptist World Alliance


The more we are aware of our deep roots, the wider we can spread our wings to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world. Easy to read and yet hard to digest when we realise just how rich and how challenging our heritage is, Randall’s book is more than a review of our past – it points to our current responsibility and our future calling as Baptists within the whole church of Jesus Christ.

Regina Claas General Secretary of the Union of Evangelical Free Churches (Baptists) in Germany

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