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Ukraine Response Funding Appeal

(As of 06:45 CET, 8 March 2022)

This report is meant to give a broad overview of the Baptist response to the war in Ukraine and the growing funding needed to sustain the response. It was produced in collaboration with BFAD partners.

Ukraine Response

  • The Baptist Union of Ukraine has over 2,300 Churches and over 125,000 members, it is split into 25 regional associations and is one of the largest Unions in the EBF. The Baptist Union has been responding to the needs of displaced peoples since 2014 and has become experts in aid distribution and care for IDPs.

  • Baptists were mobilised to respond to the crisis but still did not expect full-scale war. Currently, the Baptist Union is operating over 600 shelters for people fleeing the war. They are seeking to provide emergency accommodation, food, hygiene supplies, and attend to basic medical issues. They have coordinators in each region of the country leading up the coordination of assisting people as they flee and delivering aid.

Baptist Response in Neighbouring Countries

  • Every Baptist Union in Ukraine's neighbouring countries is responding - Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Moldova. The needs are great in each country. Their response is centred on providing emergency accommodation for refugees and displaced people. Churches along the border have been transformed into refuge centres, while others are hosting refugees in their homes. In these emergency shelters, people receive a bed for the night, food, hot drinks and access to bathrooms. Some only for one or two nights as they move on to another location, some for a week, while others could stay for longer periods. Baptist retreat centres and seminaries are being converted into longer stay shelters.

General Funding Needs

  • To run a shelter in eastern Europe for one-day costs over €11,000

  • To heat a centre for one month during the cold winter, costs €2,700 / €90 a day

  • Providing a bedding kit (mattress, pillow and blanket) costs approximately €120

  • To provide shelter, food and support for a night for one person will cost approximately €36

  • To provide hygiene supplies for one person will cost approximately €14

  • Providing three meals a day for one person costs approximately €13

These costs and provisions are based on initial estimates and are likely to change as the situation develops and will vary from location to location. Other expenses include medical supplies, fuel costs to transport refugees, and administration costs.

EBF Response

  • EBF is the lead partner of the Baptist World Alliance Forum for Aid and Development (BFAD) response to the war in Ukraine. All current funds are being channelled through EBF and designated as the need for funds and resources arise. Funds are being split between direct response in Ukraine and with projects assisting refugees in bordering countries. Unions and their local churches are committed to working to the best possible standards while working in an extremely volatile and dynamic situation. The use of funds is likely to change as the situation develops.

We thank you for your generous, sustained support of our Baptist brothers and sisters working diligently in eastern Europe. Every donation enables them to shine the light of Christ in dark circumstances.

Bank Details

EUR (Euro)

  • Beneficiary: European Baptist Federation

  • Address: Postjesweg 150, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

  • Bank Name: Spar- und Kreditbank Evangelisch-Freikirchlicher Gemeinden eG, Bad Homburg, Germany

  • IBAN: DE64 5009 2100 0000 1717 00


USD (United States Dollar) donations can be directed through the Baptist World Alliance.

For further information on aid projects and funding, please contact:


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